It’s barely taught in medical school. It’s called the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and in simple terms it’s a vast network of chemical compounds and receptors regulating everything from appetite, the immune system, the inflammatory response, aging, and memory. Some scientists believe that an out of whack endocannabinoid system could explain the onset of many conditions such as fibromyalgia, IBS, depression, MS, Parkinson’s and migraines — a good reason to get your ECS in shape.
Living a balanced, healthy lifestyle, eating green vegetables, doing exercise, and getting plenty of sleep all help to keep your ECS ticking over. But here are some more specific suggestions if you feel like yours needs a bit of a boost: 1) Bump Up Your Omega 3 Intake. 2) Exercise 3) Echinacea 4) Cut Down Alcohol 5) Eat Your Greens 6. Get a massage 7) Take Hemp-Based CBD.