1. Be Prepared to Wait! Sometimes all of your child’s symptoms won’t appear right away. However, don’t wait if your child experiences more dangerous warning signs after a hit to the head.
2. You May Need to Take Away the Smart Phone Athletes should also keep away from texting, playing video games, or watching television. Depending on your child’s symptoms, school may or may not be the best option.
3. Your Child Will be Asked to Take a Computerized Test which measures things like reaction time, memory, and speed of mental processing in the brain.
4. Sometimes Extra Help is Needed Your doctor may recommend that you to seek treatment from another specialist.
5. Expect to Complete a Return-to-Play Protocol Before returning to physical activity and sports, your child will complete a 5-step graduated return to play protocol.
6. You Will Need a Clearance Note before returning to sports!
7. It Will Take 6 Months Before Your Athlete Can Take a New Baseline Test Baseline testing records extensive information about concussion history and baseline symptoms, and is used for comparison if a concussion occurs.