Researchers are uncovering how pyrroloquinoline quinone (PPQ) functions as a neuroprotective agent that can help protect memory and cognition. In an exciting new discovery, PQQ has been found to increase the formation of new nerve cells. In addition, researchers have found that PQQ can promote growth of new mitochondria. PPQ has been found to help guard the brain against these major brain-threatening processes by a variety of mechanisms related to improving brain energy metabolism.
While dementia, stoke, and brain injury may appear to be unrelated events, they all share fundamental processes that contribute to the eventual loss of brain cells and the decline in cognitive abilities. Mainstream medicine tends to focus on managing each condition after it has emerged. By that time, much of the damage has already occurred. A more effective approach is to attack the underlying degenerative processes all at once,before irreversible damage is done. That’s what PQQ does. By launching an all-out attack on underlying pathologic processes, PQQ has been shown to help protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases, stroke damage, and even the effects of traumatic brain injury.
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