March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month, and as promised, I [author, Amy Zellmer] am writing a series of blogs to help educate others and bring awareness to traumatic brain injuries (TBI).
1. Our brains no longer work the same. We have cognitive deficiencies that don’t make sense, even to us.
2. We suffer a great deal of fatigue. Every single thing we do, whether physical or mental, takes a toll on our brain.
3. We live with fear and anxiety. Many of us live in a constant state of fear of hurting ourselves again.
4. We deal with chronic pain. Once the broken bones are healed, and the bruises and scars have faded, we still deal with a lot of chronic pain.
5. We often feel isolated and alone. Because of all the issues stated above, we sometimes have a hard time leaving the house. Sensory stimulation overload from lights and noise is a significant problem.