If you are pregnant and dreaming of healthy babies, it’s time to load up your plate with some salmon. Apparently, children born to mothers who had eaten salmon during their pregnancy are less likely to acquire asthma, as compared with children born to non-salmon-eating mothers.
Professor Philip Calder from the University of Southamptonconducted a pregnancy study wherein two groups of pregnant ladies were required for the purpose of the study. While one group of women ate salmon two times a week from week 19 of their pregnancy and throughout, the other group did not. Once the babies were born, allergy tests were performed on them. The first allergy test was performed when the babies were six months old, and the second was carried out when the children were two or three years old. The results were astounding.
At six months of age, the allergy rates were similar among the offspring of both groups. However, the second allergy test that had been carried out a couple of years later interestingly revealed that children born to the mothers who had eatensalmon throughout their pregnancy had a lesser chance of asthma, as compared with the children of the mothers who did not consume the fish.