It’s been a few weeks since the Sanjay Gupta MD segment aired on CNN and even longer since my last blog. The response to the CNN article and 8-minute segment that aired on October 20th and 21st has been fantastic. There have been over 11,000 “recommends” on Facebook, 883 “tweets, and 376 comments in response to the article. People from literally all around the world have reached out to the Brain Health Education and Research Institute for help with their loved ones. We’ve heard from people all around the U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Africa, Israel, and the United Arab Emirates – almost everyone looking for something that will help their loved ones where traditional Western medicine has not been successful. Many cases of brain injury where the patient is on a ventilator and the doctors have told the family there is nothing else that can be done – situations not dissimilar to Bobby Ghassemi. We hope and pray that our guidance to the families and doctors has and will be helpful.
Interestingly, we’ve received a number of contacts from people concerning other conditions such as autism and even benzodiazepine withdrawal. Most encouraging are those patients or parents who have already started on the protocol found on our website,, and are already seeing improvements in their condition.
We are thankful for the opportunity to help so many people around the world including many we don’t even know about. Please continue to forward the CNN article to those in need and looking for something else when Western medicine tells a family nothing more can be done for their child with a TBI.