A new study has found a “significant association” between adults who have suffered a TBI at some point in their lives and who also have attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). The study, published today in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, supports research that found a similar association in children, said Dr. Gabriela Ilie, lead author of the study and a post-doctoral fellow at St. Michael’s Hospital.
Dr. Robert Mann, senior scientist at CAMH and co-principal investigator said this latest study extends previous findings from the research team about the association between TBI and mental health and addiction issues. “These new data suggest a significant association between ADHD and TBI,” Dr. Mann said. “We see that adults with TBI are more than twice as likely than those without to report symptoms of ADHD.” Read more at: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20150821/New-study-finds-significant-association-between-ADHD-and-TBI.aspx