Eggs and coffee are in, sugar is out and vegetables will always be good for you, according to a committee of top nutrition experts tasked with advising the federal government. Their recommendations reflect the latest and greatest in food and nutrition research, and will help update the nation’s dietary guidelines — something they have to do every five years.
“The [advisory committee] has produced an honest, straightforward, courageous report thoroughly based on research and at long last without mincing words,” NYU professor Marion Nestle told The Huffington Post. “Whether the agencies — USDA and HHS — will accept its recommendations remains to be seen.”
Here’s what a panel of experts had to say about the report:
1. The focus on foods, not nutrients, is a good thing.
2. Cholesterol limits are gone, but that won’t change much.
3. Sustainability is also part of good nutrition.
4. There need to be real limits on sugar.
5. Research about the link between food and mental health is still emerging.
6. These suggestions need your support.