Every state has laws that govern when student athletes can return to sports activity after a concussion. However, few have protocol on when a student should return to class. A study in the latest issues of Pediatrics found that eight states have Return to Learn (RTL) laws. About half of the laws only deal with student athletes, which excludes those who incur concussions through nonsports activities.
Typically, if a child can tolerate 30 minutes of cognitive activity without symptoms getting worse, they are probably ready to return to school. Adjustments should be made as needed. It is OK for a student to return to school while they still have concussion symptoms, but they may benefit from academic accommodations such as shortened school days, regular breaks, a reduced workload, or more time to complete assignments. Allowing the child extra time to complete tests or delaying tests is also common, as is being allowed to wear sunglasses or avoid noisy settings.
Read more at: http://www.healthline.com/health-news/when-to-return-to-class-after-concussion#2