Unlike TBI, mTBI can be difficult to diagnose as there often is no observable head injury, even with imaging. Chronic mTBI, where post concussive symptoms persist years after a mTBI event, is very common in veterans who have undergone one or more mTBI event.
Researchers at Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, led by Principal Scientist Dr. Kai Wang, are working to develop new methods to identify molecular changes in the blood of war veterans diagnosed with chronic mTBI. Ghai and his colleagues from ISB and the Puget Sound VA looked at blood samples from Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans with blast-related mTBI, and compared their findings against samples of a control group that included deployed veterans who have not suffered from mTBI, as well as civilians.
Read more at: https://isbscience.org/news/2020/02/14/isb-researchers-seek-a-better-way-to-identify-chronic-mild-traumatic-brain-injury/