Headache is a common symptom after TBI and frequently is persistent. The researchers previously reported on the results of 2 separate studies, showing that following moderate to severe TBI headache incidence was 71% and prevalence was 44% at 12 months, while following mild TBI the incidence and prevalence at 12 months were 91% and 58%, respectively.
The goal of the current study was to explore headache symptoms in patients following moderate to severe TBI compared with patients with mild TBI. Furthermore, they investigated these data from 2 different clinical perspectives: symptom-based specialists (including psychiatrists, neurologists or primary care providers) or headache specialists.
Providers of patients with TBI are more likely to evaluate and treat headache in individuals sustaining a mild TBI vs moderate to severe TBI. Headache specialists may encounter patients with moderate to severe TBI who report more frequent headache and greater pain intensity compared with patients with mild TBI.